Tutorial: Painting Runewars’ Waiqar the Undying
As Karl mentioned in his post, I took the Waiqar the Undying models from our Runewars box sets.
After assembly and cleanup of the models, I primed them with a color I mixed- white gesso with burnt sienna and a little yellow ocher. Since there are a large number of models, I used an airbrush. While I was at it, I added a spray of suede craft paint from a 45 degree angle and white from directly above.
Next, I added a little Golden fiber paste to the bases. I was originally going to leave them flat, but decided against it.
The defining model for this army is the large carrion worm. I had the most trouble deciding on colors that would best highlight the model. I decided that it would be a good place to start as a sample model for finishing the rest of the army, to make sure I don't get too far without confronting that potential problem. I ended up using colors inspired by monarch butterfly caterpillars.
First is a wash of an olive green (12 parts yellow ocher: 3 parts Raw umber: 1 part blue Liquitex inks). This was followed by a drybrush of light green craft paint. the worm's scales, mandibles, and legs are Liquitex french blue gray with a wash of black ink. The spots on the worm are yellow ocher. The wood pieces are light green craft paint. I painted the armor and metal pieces with a mix of 3 parts Golden pearlescent to 1 part Liquitex french blue gray. For the cloth i will be using a mix of various earth tones, although not all of them are on my sample figure- Golden red oxide, burnt umber light, yellow oxide, and raw umber, Liquitex burnt sienna and raw sienna, Reaper misty gray and coldstone gray. The ground is Reaper ghoul skin. Here is how my first carrion lancer looked at this point.
With the base coat complete, I had a bit more to do before this model was done. I added an overall wash with Liquitex burnt umber ink. To highlight the slimy aspects of the worm, I put some neon green craft paint to the mouth, drool, and spiracles. As usual, I varnished this model with Golden matte varnish then added gloss varnish to the areas where I put neon green.
Here is the final model, which I will be using as a reference while painting the rest of the army.
Eilif says:
Looking excellent Tim!
That’s going to be a fantastic centerpiece for your army. I look forward to seeing it across the table.