Vettweiss-Froitzheim Dice Tower Replica from Ironheart Artisans

One of the things I was able to pick up at Adepticon was this laser cut dice tower made by Ironheart Artisans.  It is a wooden reproduction of a fifth century original made of copper alloy sheet.  From my limited reading on the topic, the original is the most complete of a very few roman era dice towers that have been found.  It has its own wikipedia article, if you want to read a little more about the original.


I started the paint job with a base coat of silver mottled with black, white, and raw umber.


dicetower base coat

Next was a wash of dark blue-brown ink, then I dry brushed a little copper in places.  This was finished off with a few coats of gloss varnish and the bells that are provided in the kit.

finished dice tower

Ironheart Artisans reproduced the hand cut and slightly battered edges, decoration, and text that appear on the original.  There are also pine cones at the top, dolphins at the bottom, and other details etched into the tower.  It even comes with real bells to attach at the opening on the bottom, for the dice to hit on their way out.

Dice tower top

There is also a removable tray to catch the dice.  As the kit comes, this tray fits perfectly into place around the Dolphins.  I sanded it down a little to give room for the layers of paint and varnish.

Dice tower dolphin and bells


One response to “Vettweiss-Froitzheim Dice Tower Replica from Ironheart Artisans

  1. Wow, very interesting piece! I’ve never heard of this before and am surprised at the chronology of dice towers. This seems like an awesome, arcane relic indeed. Watch out for Cenobites! ;D

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