Tagged: 3D printing
Adepticon 2019- Images (Image Heavy!), Thoughts and Reflections, Oh My!
Greetings friends and hobbyists! Adepticon 2019 has just recently passed, and what a treat it was! (mostly). This has now been my THIRD Adepticon, which may seem like a small number, but I really feel I’ve delved deep in to this hobby over the past few years, improving the amount of painting, building, and gaming ... Read more
3D Printed Objective Markers by Mack the Maker
Our friend Mack makes articles and videos on 3D modeling and printing. He kindly gave some samples of his work to CSW members. some members received jersey barriers and dragons teeth, but I picked a set of objective markers. Here they are as they came, with some wisps of extra material. My understanding is that ... Read more