Tagged: Arena Rex

Adepticon 2019- Images (Image Heavy!), Thoughts and Reflections, Oh My!

Greetings friends and hobbyists! Adepticon 2019 has just recently passed, and what a treat it was! (mostly). This has now been my THIRD Adepticon, which may seem like a small number, but I really feel I’ve delved deep in to this hobby over the past few years, improving the amount of painting, building, and gaming ... Read more

Midwest Miniatures Expo Recap

It was time for a club road trip, out in to the mysterious back alleys of Detroit, for The Midwest Miniatures Expo! MMX is a fledgling event, gathering some Michigan area hobby enthusiasts to join in a fun weekend of miniatures gaming. CSW volunteered to run a pretty wide variety of games with our jack-of-all-trades ... Read more

My TMX 2018 Experience(s)

I can’t quite recall exactly when I first watched ‘Uncle Atom’s’ youtube videos. I’m certain it was when I first started to get back in to this hobby and searched for general painting tips, somehow ran across his videos and followed his channel ever since. I regularly save his 2 hour Every Other Sunday chats ... Read more

CSW at Tabletop Minions Expo

Chicago Skirmish Wargames made an appearance, and ran some events at the 2nd annual TMX, run by our friend, Uncle Atom. We have planned a few posts to show off some of the cool games we saw there. For now, enjoy a photo dump of the weekend: Tim and I ran our Roadside Picnic game, ... Read more

Greenfire Benefit Recap Part 2

CSW member Michael just sent in some pictures of last week’s event. Broken Contract Demos are always impressive. Valeria has some great art! Josh’s Bushido Board deserves a second look. Terrence gave demos of Clank! The paint and take that Michael ran was a big hit with visitors of all ages.      On a personal ... Read more

AAR- Cancer Benefit Recap

Thanks to everyone who came out to Brian’s benefit on Saturday. It was successful far beyond anyone’s expectations. Special thanks to Rhodrick, Will, Christopher, Michael, Chris, Will, Anton, Tom, Karl, Ben, Aaron, Danielle, Tim, Nick, Vandy, and Greg for running demos all day long. You guys really worked hard to make it a great day. ... Read more

Gen Con 2017 Loot!

I just got back from Gen Con 2017, and just like every year, I forgot to take many pictures! It was a good time… maybe the best Gen Con I have attended. I attribute this to my complete and utter lack of planning. I had nothing scheduled. I had no plans to check out any ... Read more



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