Tagged: cheap

Journey: Wrath of Demons- Cheap Beastly Chaos!

For the cheapskate gamer, boardgames can sometimes be an excellent, if under-appreciated, source of miniatures. This has been the case for many years (there are a lot of 1990s Battle Masters figures in my Chaos/Varangur army), but as production values increase, boardgame figures are being produced that rival some contemporary wargaming miniatures. Such is the ... Read more

Cheap Sprue Review: WGA Halfling Militia and a Classic Hobbits Roundup.

I recently discovered that McDougall Designs sells Wargames Atlantic (WGA) sprues separately. There are alot of Wargames Atlantic figures that interest me but I have no need for a whole box of 24-40 of them. So, I purchased a variety of single sprues and I’ll be reviewing them over time. Note that at this point ... Read more

Cheap Tanks for Weird Wars

As I dip my toes into the Weird War waters of Konflikt ’47 I’m coming to appreciate the incredible latitude that “weird” allows the budget gamer. As has been seen in our recent Konflikt ’47 battle reports, there’s a huge range of miniatures that are suitable. From genre-specific Weird World War 2 (WWW2) lines like ... Read more

Adepticon: A First-Timer’s Perspective

Earlier this month I had the pleasure of attending Adepticon 2015, and here’s a review of the experience from my varied perspectives, as a: First time attendee who isn’t a player of the flagship Adepticon games  Terrain-building addict  First time Adepticon game master  Bargain hunter  Thoughts as a First-Time Attendee As an attendee, I have ... Read more

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