Tagged: frontline gaming
Goin’ Rogueando. (An adventure with Rogue Stars!)
“So, what’s your favorite sci-fi series?” A common question, I would presume, in this hobby. We probably see and hear a lot of this Star Wars mumbo jumbo being dropped all around us, but how far it extends in to the “science” part is rather questionable. What about the good ol’ Trek? Eh, well, it’s ... Read more
AAR/Review- “It’s Gettin’ Cold In Here. So put on all your clothes!” FROSTGRAVE!
“Come hither, companions. Let me regale yet another tale of…” “Oh, grandpa, not ~another~ story of Felstad.” “Shut yer mutton holes ignorant whips, I said a regaling is to be done! A tale of my adventures, for some day you too shall need a shining beacon of wisdom to escape with yer lives!” *Children roll ... Read more