Tagged: historical

What a Tanker! – Midwest Miniatures Expo

One of the games I was excited to see at Midwest Miniatures Expo was What a Tanker!, a game of WWII tank combat made by Too Fat Lardies. Each player runs one or up to a handful of tanks. Each tank has a two statistics- Armor and Strike. Those are the defensive and offensive abilities ... Read more

Tabletop Minions Expo 2017

Tabletop Minoins Expo 2017

Josh and I left Chicago early Saturday morning to face delays from a road accident and pouring rain on an adventure farther into Wisconsin than Josh had yet dared to go. We arrived in Oshkosh to attend the initial Tabletop Minions Expo, a small convention put on by our friend Adam. Here was the scene ... Read more

Adepticon 2015: Fistful of Seamen and the Adventure of HMS Titan’s Uranus

At Adepticon Tim and I participated in the Saturday night edition of this massive, colorfully-named “Fistful of Seamen” (FoS) swashbuckling and sailing game. Easily the largest game I’ve ever been a part of, this massive game spanned a half-dozen tables, a few dozen ships and what appeared to be 50-plus participants. We had spoken with ... Read more



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