Tagged: necromunda
My Necromunda Gangs: Characters from Jon
Some years ago I decided to try and have each of my Necromunda gangs painted by one of my gaming friends. The latest -and possibly last- installment is a batch of Necromunda characters painted by long time CSW member Jon. These represent some of the most iconic Necromunda supporting cast members and I’m thrilled with ... Read more
AAR- Thoughts on the Shadow War Armageddon Campaign
The Raiders Brotherhood, on a search mission for promethium through the ruins of Armageddon’s Hive Acheron, ran into what appeared to be a Death Guard kill team. The Raiders suffered losses while fighting against the enemy. Their leader, corsair princess Drastanta, suffered head injuries in the fight. One of our new recruits Taldeer was taken ... Read more
Converting Dark Imperium Poxwalkers for Variety
I have been painting the chaos figures from the Dark Imperium 40k box set lately. With two sets of these figures, I have 40 poxwalkers in 10 different sculpts. Almost every sculpt comes in two pieces , but can only be assembled in one way. I decided to do some quick conversions- rough swaps of ... Read more
AAR Video- First try at Shadow War Armageddon!
A number of CSW members have a long-term love for the classic game Necromunda. So, we were quite excited to hear that Games Workshop was using the Necromunda ruleset as the basis for their 40k-setting warband skirmish game “Shadow War Armageddon”. Last Thursday I grabbed a few crates of terrain and 2 kill teams and ... Read more
Tutorial: SaltNHairspray Rust: Shake It, Shake It Real Good!
*cue music, you know you want to: doo doodoo doo. doo. doodoo doo doodoo* The deeper I get in to this hobby, the more I’m reflecting on my masochistic tendencies. Why do we slave over these little, tiny dudes and dudettes? Why are we trying to recreate these fantastic battle scenes from overhead, like a ... Read more
Karl’s Necromunda Gangs #5: Orlock by Pat.
Now for the Orlock which came to me from the highlands of Colorado courtesty of Pat. These are a mix of first generation metal Orlock figures, plastic Orlocks from the original boxed set and some Sci-Fi Salvage crew figures from Megaminis/AlphaForge. A couple of years ago Pat painted these 5 Orlock up for random post-apoc ... Read more
Karl’s Necromunda Gangs. #4 Delaque from Josh!
And the Necromunda Gangs keep coming. Today we have the Delaque as painted by my buddy and CSW Blog editor-in-chief Josh! For my Delaque Gang I decided to convert figs from the “Slicks” line by East Riding Miniatures. Despite being called 28mm the slicks are a bit taller than GW figures and less detailed. However, ... Read more
Karl’s Necromunda Gangs #3: Cawdor from Tim!
While the Blog was on hiatus I added a few Necromunda gangs to my collection. They were posted up at various blogs, but now that the CSW blog is back, over the next couple weeks I’ll be putting them up here as well. First up is the Cawdor. As some of you may remember the ... Read more
Bridges and Scuttles from O-Scale Train Cars
Over the past few years I’ve picked up a number of broken O-scale train cars, and I’ve finally put them to good use. Most of these damaged in some way, usually lacking wheels and trucks, but that didn’t bother me since I didn’t need them anyway. Aside from price, the main benefit to using model ... Read more
The Exchange with Mattias, Part 2: Escher Gang
Before his departure to Hawaii, Mattias and I arranged a trade of terrain and miniatures. Earlier I showed off the buildings and cliffs that I built for him. Today I’ve got 15 Necromunda figures that he painted for me. All but one of these are unmodified Games Workshop Escher figures, based on Inkwell Industries resin ... Read more