Tagged: oldhammer
AAR- CSW Casual Bloodbowl League- A Belated Report.
Club member and classic Bloodbowl Superfans Mattia and Michael have been running a periodic Bloodbowl campaign. This is a spotty, belated attempt to cover the first few Games. First Game May 2023. The first game was only slightly recorded. The first league result is: Syntownne Abbey Manglers (Humans) vs. The Gouged Eye (Orcs) Result: One-all ... Read more
AAR- CSW Mordheim Campaign Night 3 And Some Terrain Work.
The campaign rolls right along. Here’s night 3 which took place on July 8th. Terrain Progress: Improving Old School Mordheim Buildings First off, here’s a bit of progress I made on the old Mordheim buildings James had brought. The unknown builder (he was given them from a game store) had done a pretty good job ... Read more
AAR- Planet28: “Why are there so many planets?”
“Why are there so many planets? The brochure said there’d only be a few planets.” – Don Knotts if he played sci-fi skirmish minis games.Salutations friends and onlookers! It’s been a long while as this world has been thrashing and whirling in a fit of unsurety the past year or two, so it’s good to ... Read more