Tagged: post-apoc

Chicago Skirmish and Bedroom Battlefields Mini Con!

I’m a listener to the “Tabletop Miniature Hobby Podcast” put on by Bedroom Battlefields. It’s delightful show with a variety of interviews, musings, reviews, etc revolving around indie wargaming, oldhammer, miniature painting, etc.  On the show’s discord various in-person gatherings have been organized.  I threw my hat into the ring and hosted a little event at ... Read more

AAR- 12,000 Point Grimdark Future Battle.

The more experience we gain with One Page Rules’ “Grimdark Future” rules, the bigger battles we’re able to have. Last Monday we tried our biggest battle yet. Coming in at 12k points this battle had my Dark Angels (6k) vs. James’ Orks (3k) and Mattias’s Quar (3k). Even though we were playing a pretty standard ... Read more

Tabletop Minions 2023 Gallery- Mech Attack, Grimdark and more!

Another delayed report… This year my son and I took a trip to TMX 2023. While there we ran a big game of Grimdark Future, but first a few other things we saw… The Fallout tables were filled with fantastic 3d printed terrain: Watching the Alpha Strike game reinvigorated my interest. I hope to be ... Read more

AAR- First Try With Space Wierdos

[Karl and I recently (…um, -ish?) had the opportunity to try out a game of Space Weirdos. What follows is a brief (…um, -ISH???) AAR of how the game went.  THE BACKGROUND In the years before the outbreak of galactic civil war, Tanjarax IV held a lot of promise- at least in the eyes of ... Read more

AAR- Trying Grimdark Future With New Minis, Table and Terrain

I am continuing my campaign to indoctrinate my children into wargaming I introduced my son to Grimdark Future last month shortly before our trip to TMX. The Tau miniatures (his new obsession), terrain, mat and table topper were all acquired from Josh recently. I’ve never tried to put together a 40k-style ruined city, but suddenly ... Read more

TMX 2022- Thoughts and a Mech Attack Gallery

This June 4th and 5th, my son and I attended the Tabletop Minions Expo (TMX) in Oshkosh WI. It’s a very small affair put on by Adam Loper, host of the Tabletop Minions show. Differing from most conventions, it’s arranged as a gathering without tournaments in which gamers can hang out and showcase and demo ... Read more

AAR- Mech Attack Battle at Adepticon 2022

As noted in the earlier post, this March was the return of Adepticon and CSW’s almost-famous big 28mm Mech Attack game. What follows is an overview and pictures of that battle. This was the first year in which we had a full signup and an equally long waiting list. Every player on the signup and ... Read more

Review- Black Site Studio Arklight Metro kit

I took advantage of Black Site Studio’s black friday sale to pick up a couple of kits that I’ve been eyeing for some time. The first of these kits is their huge Arklight Metro kit. This is designed to work in 28-40mm scale, and is great for zombie, post apoc, modern, or super hero games. ... Read more

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