Tagged: review
Space Weirdos: Review and Number Crunching
Following our first gamed of Space Wierdos, Reviewer Extraordinaire Mattias returns to give us an in depth review of the game. THINGS THAT MAKE SPACE WEIRDOS ACTUALLY QUITE GOOD: As I think I mentioned before and as you can probably tell, we had a great time playing this game. Greater, to be honest, than I ... Read more
Cheap Sprue Review: WGA Einherjar Space Dwarves and a Squat Roundup
It’s time for the second Cheap Sprue review. This time we’re on a topic that is particularly close to my heart… Squats. Or Space Dwarves if you’re feeling generic. Building a Squat army is one of my longest term wargaming dreams. I’ve started a few times and the truth is that I’ve got enough original ... Read more
Cheap Sprue Review: WGA Halfling Militia and a Classic Hobbits Roundup.
I recently discovered that McDougall Designs sells Wargames Atlantic (WGA) sprues separately. There are alot of Wargames Atlantic figures that interest me but I have no need for a whole box of 24-40 of them. So, I purchased a variety of single sprues and I’ll be reviewing them over time. Note that at this point ... Read more
AAR/Review- A Trial Run through Kobolds and Cobblestones
Chris and I recently got together for a game of Kobolds and Cobblestones. It is number 21 in Osprey’s line of games that I often call “little blue miniatures games.” This one is set in the criminal underground of a sort of neutral city where various standard fantasy races live in an uneasy peace. The ... Read more
2 More Houses From 4Ground
I finished my final 2 (for now) 4Ground houses. First up is the Woodbury Rise 1178 kit. This is one of the more complex 4Ground kits I have built. It has a 5 doors and a working garage door! The entryway has a lot of nice detailing. The garage door opens! Interestingly, it does not ... Read more
Review: Harry Potter Hogwarts Fun!
After buying and reviewing the Harry Potter Nanofigs line I couldn’t resist getting the corresponding playset. This Gryffindor Tower playset retails for $25-30 and is widely available at WalMart or online. While it has some shortcomings, there is much to recommend this set to the wargamer or roleplayer. Let’s start with the shortcomings. This ... Read more
Review: Small Terrain kits from Warlord and Ainsty Castings
I recently finished 2 small kits terrain kits. The left kit is one of Warlord’s ruined buildings, and the right one is an MDF building from Ainsty Casting’s Aggro Minis line. The warlord kit is plastic, and went together easily. I zipped this together in no time, and painted it quickly, so pardon any visible ... Read more
Terrain- 4Ground 4 Story Bakery, Subway Entrance, and Village Walls
I have been picking up more 4Ground terrain recently. The kits are tons of fun to assemble, and they are prepainted with detailed interior, so it’s east to get them on the battlefield quickly! This 3 story bakery is the largest kit I have assembled so far. It has a ton of moving doors! I ... Read more
Painted Gaddis Gaming Soviet Infantry
As a start to using more historical minis in our games of Konflikt 47, I did a quick and simple paint job on a pack of 10 infantry and a 3-man maxim gun crew. These figures were generously provided by Lee at Gaddis Gaming for review. My painting on these figures is very quick and ... Read more
Review- Ancient Chinese Sacred Building by Watchful-I-Studio
While at Little Wars this year, I picked up the Ancient Chinese Sacred Building kit made by Watchful-I-Studio. They are a Chicago area miniatures company specializing in historical and fantasy Asian themed miniatures. This was an interesting kit, consisting of some very large resin pieces, as well as laser cut MDF and some thinner materials. ... Read more