Tagged: wreck-age

Painting the Wreck Age Church of Fun Set

Greetings once more hobbyists and miniature adventurers! Sorry for the bout of blog inactivity; we need to more frequently churn out the ramblings and woo the masses with photos of our wonderful geeky explorations! One thing I truly love about this hobby, is that it lets me make progress way in to the late night ... Read more

Midwest Miniatures Expo Recap

It was time for a club road trip, out in to the mysterious back alleys of Detroit, for The Midwest Miniatures Expo! MMX is a fledgling event, gathering some Michigan area hobby enthusiasts to join in a fun weekend of miniatures gaming. CSW volunteered to run a pretty wide variety of games with our jack-of-all-trades ... Read more

My TMX 2018 Experience(s)

I can’t quite recall exactly when I first watched ‘Uncle Atom’s’ youtube videos. I’m certain it was when I first started to get back in to this hobby and searched for general painting tips, somehow ran across his videos and followed his channel ever since. I regularly save his 2 hour Every Other Sunday chats ... Read more

CSW at Tabletop Minions Expo

Chicago Skirmish Wargames made an appearance, and ran some events at the 2nd annual TMX, run by our friend, Uncle Atom. We have planned a few posts to show off some of the cool games we saw there. For now, enjoy a photo dump of the weekend: Tim and I ran our Roadside Picnic game, ... Read more

Once Upon a Wasteland. Wreck Age 2nd Edition Full Rules Impressions

I once, ok, maybe four-ish times, heard a guy somewhere say, “war never changes.” Really? Because I feel like it’s flavor of the week sometimes within the wargaming community. Everything changes. Maybe today I’m using d20s, tomorrow it’s cards, the eternal pre-measure vs no pre-measure battle…which is a war in itself. In this hobby, it’s ... Read more

2017 Hobby year in review

2017 was a big hobby year for me. I managed to play a bunch of new games that I love, and I got a bunch of projects finished: My first finished minis of the year were the Prefecture of Ryu faction starter for Bushido. I learned how to use my cutting machine to make scale ... Read more

RhinoMen, an F-150 And Other Assorted Projects.

I cleared the desk of a variety of stuff this week. Nothing really ties all these together except that they’d all been sitting half finished for way too long. First off, here’s a trio of Rhino Men. Specifically, these are “Rhox” from the “Magic The Gathering: Arena Of The Planeswalkers” base game. MtG:AoP is a ... Read more

Event Recap- Dragon-Fall 2017

This past weekend, I attended Dragon-Fall in St. Charles. I was there with Matt Sears from Hyacinth games, running Wreck-Age demos. We arrived mid afternoon on Friday, and checked into the scenic Pheasant Run resort. There was a 40k tournament going on in the main room, and an Age of Sigmar tournament and some hobby ... Read more

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