Here's what I have.
The whole-ass force:
Here are the HQs (actually a 10 man squad in their own right, but for the purposes of K47 i've split them up into my Lieutenants):
Three sets of Lieutenants with accompanying soldiers, so that I can run up to three reinforced platoons (and therefore up to 3 tanks or walkers). The lone guy is my forward artillery observer, which I get for free if I use the British list.
Here we have all of my heavy weapons teams:
There's an MMG team and a light mortar team, of course, but the rest are a bit more open to interpretation. I think the big tracked gun at the back probably makes the most sense as a light artillery team, but the team at the front is a bit more fanciful. I think it could either represent an AT rifle team, or a PIAT team, or a sniper team. Likewise the little suitcase gun could probably also represent either an AT rifle or a PIAT.
A squad of 8 regulars here (actually 10, but two have been peeled off to fulfill the artillery team requirements)
And my kitbashed hovertank, made with a fun 'Super-deformed' tank kit, some trash and gundam bits, and a lot of sculpting putty:
I'm not very pleased with the body, it doesn't look 'armor-ey' enough. I'm going to attempt to fix that by adding some armor plates made of EVA foam.
I'll likely either run this as a Churchill or as a Centurion MK. II, depending on whether I want to emphasize the armor or the armament.
Here's one of my favorites, a 9-man squad of irregular guerrillas ('inexperienced infantry' for the purposes of K47):
A squad of 5 commandos here:
And my other favorites, these goof cavalry models:
There is a cavalry special rule in K47, but no cavalry units in the core rulebook. I don't have any desire to invest more in this game, so I'll just be running these as Royal Marines; but I do love how evocative the models are.
And last but not least, there's this little fella. I'm not sure what to run it as yet. I could see calling it an M5 Stuart possibly, but could also see usin git as an M10 Achilles or even a Staghound Mark I Heavy Armored Car.
I actually primed all of the models a year or two ago, and even painted a couple squads, but the rest went back into a box. I got them all back out again to evaluate what needs doing.
First thing was that I had a lot of the figures pull off of their bases (they had been sitting on the double-sided tape I used to secure them for priming all this time, and they were only glued to the bases with superglue and sand, so were pretty fragile). I reattached those with a good bit of strong PVA and sealed the edges with a mix of 'crustard', i.e. a mix of pva, paint, sand, and baking soda. Step 1 complete!
Here's the list of steps as I see them:
- Reattach damaged bases <-------COMPLETE
- Repair damaged models (namely that artilleryman who is missing a head)
- Finish the hovertank armor and reprime that model
- Block out all the metallic areas with silver acryllic
- Drybrush everybody with yellow and white oils to complete the underpainting
- Establish shadows with heavy oil washes of dark brown, black, and magenta, and clean to leave them only in the crevasses. (These are also the main colors of the bases)
- Once the washes are dry, block in spot colors using oil glazes and heavy filters. (Dark brown for leather, Blue or red-brown for uniforms, dark grey and khaki for bits and bobs, bright colors for Quar skin)
- Highlight with off-white oils to finish.
- Finishing touches and black lip on the bases
- Make banners
Easy right? I count 50 models total--though I certainly don't need all 50 to run a 1000 point K47 list. Want to see if I can do it? Stay tuned!