Goin' Rogueando. (An adventure with Rogue Stars!)

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Goin' Rogueando. (An adventure with Rogue Stars!)

Postby gattz » Tue Sep 19, 2017 11:15 am

The following is an excerpt of a blog article.  Read Full Article

"So, what's your favorite sci-fi series?" A common question, I would presume, in this hobby. We probably see and hear a lot of this Star Wars mumbo jumbo being dropped all around us, but how far it extends in to the "science" part is rather questionable. What about the good ol' Trek? Eh, well, it's a thing, and they tout dilithium crystals and warp drives and the like....but admittedly, neither of those grabbed me to the point of being an undying fan boy. I always preferred science fiction to be more outlandish. If I were to watch Star Wars as a kid, ...

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Goin' Rogueando. (An adventure with Rogue Stars!)

Postby Eilif » Wed Sep 20, 2017 4:19 pm

NIce review. Answers alot of quesitons I had (and many I didn't think of) about the game. I have the ruleset and have tried to read it, but as you say, it's pretty dense. Still not sure if it's "just what I'm looking for" or a bit more involved than I'd like.

Great layout also. The placraft and crate towers look really good together.

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Goin' Rogueando. (An adventure with Rogue Stars!)

Postby gattz » Wed Sep 20, 2017 11:26 pm

Thanks Karl! Indeed, CSW games tend towards some great looking tables!
Rogue Stars fills an interesting niche I'd say. It's not casual, but it's also not simulation level. When I was a kid, I'd have fun making up characters for Heroquest, or simple D&D/various rpg system dudes. This game gives me a similar feeling, like I'm really creating an individual with some depth. For nostalgia, or if you're the storyteller type, this hits a sweet spot.
For a casual skirmish gamer, it's a tougher sell because there is some time and complexity investment involved.
Tim mentioned that he enjoyed it more than Infinity, and I can respect that. Whereas, Infinity is a very competitive tactical sci-fi game, where the complexity stems from the massive amount of skills and weapon rules; this game leans more towards a story element, with complexity coming from a massive sandbox element. You can pick from a lot of oddball skillsets, and wind up with scenarios that perhaps some of your characters aren't best equipped for, and there isn't a hard tourney rules set preventing you from pushing buttons just to see what happens.
For myself, I like both, and have room for both since I could get away using the same minis and terrain. :)

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