AAR- Konflikt '47 Brits vs Occult Germans.

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AAR- Konflikt '47 Brits vs Occult Germans.

Postby Eilif » Fri Oct 06, 2017 12:01 pm

The following is an excerpt of a blog article.  Read Full Article

A few weeks back, Michael and I got together at Greenfire to play a game of Konflikt'47. I didn't record a play-by-play of the action, but took a good number of pictures so what follows is more of a gallery than an AAR. He brought a German force composed mostly of Wargames Factory Shock Troopers with a Leman Russ "Tiger". Also, he had werewolves and Gargoyles from various manufacturers. This was a fearsome batch of Nazis heavily invested in the occult. Notice his awesome Rift-Tech Flyer (used here as scenery) which presumably just dropped off some of the infantry. I brought my Warlord ...

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Re: AAR- Konflikt '47 Brits vs Occult Germans.

Postby Chivenger » Fri Oct 06, 2017 1:36 pm

Seeing that crater with the dice in it makes me think it might be fun to have a dice tray that doubles as terrain for games where you are rolling more than a couple dice at a time. And it looks like a fun game. Maybe I will pull together some appropriate Marines.

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AAR- Konflikt '47 Brits vs Occult Germans.

Postby Eilif » Fri Oct 06, 2017 3:37 pm

It really is a fun game. It has just enough in common with 40k to feel familiar, but it's so wonderfully refined and streamlined.

The dice tray is a good idea. I think Tim has a scenic dice tower that looks like a castle. I've been thinking that there must be some way to make a piece of industrial scnery that would covertly function as a dice tower.

I also have a big dry fountain that could double as a dice tray. I should dig it out and see how it works.

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Re: AAR- Konflikt '47 Brits vs Occult Germans.

Postby jlopatin » Fri Oct 06, 2017 4:45 pm

I dunno... there is just something about dumping a ton of dice right in front of the dudes you are trying to destroy...
- Josh

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