The Scenic Route: A Walking Dead Campaign- Interlude 1

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The Scenic Route: A Walking Dead Campaign- Interlude 1

Postby jlopatin » Tue Nov 07, 2017 9:23 am

The following is an excerpt of a blog article.  Read Full Article

Excerpt from the diary of an unlikely survivor…  I used to move a lot when the world was alive, towns, cities, new countries even, but now that the world's dead I've probably moved even more. Not in the beginning though, no, back then I pretty much holed up in my house hoping it would all blow over, but when it didn’t, well, that's when I decided to light out for the Territory ahead of the rest.  That's what's brought me here, Chicago, downtown to be precise, three stories up on a ledge watching some survivors leap-frogging through the detritus of a world ...

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