AAR- Thoughts on the Shadow War Armageddon Campaign

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AAR- Thoughts on the Shadow War Armageddon Campaign

Postby timlillig » Thu Jan 25, 2018 2:01 pm

The following is an excerpt of a blog article.  Read Full Article

The Raiders Brotherhood, on a search mission for promethium through the ruins of Armageddon’s Hive Acheron, ran into what appeared to be a Death Guard kill team. The Raiders suffered losses while fighting against the enemy. Their leader, corsair princess Drastanta, suffered head injuries in the fight. One of our new recruits Taldeer was taken prisoner. A desperate attempt by the remaining corsairs to rescue Taldeer unfortunately failed leaving him killed and yet another Raider taken prisoner. With reinforcements we are planning our next move against the enemy. The attached transmitted images show the fight in the ruins... That's the in-character ...

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AAR- Thoughts on the Shadow War Armageddon Campaign

Postby gattz » Thu Jan 25, 2018 3:12 pm

Cool writeup and table. I agree with your feelings on this...it's definitely Necromunda in terms of ruleset, but the 'feel' is not there like it used to be. For players just looking to dip their feet in to the nostalgia of Necromunda us old timers have, it works since they can use their mountain of 40k minis, but without the ganger theme it doesn't seem to grab my attention when it comes to a campaign. :-/
In fact, a lot of the newer iterations of games GW has been putting out have this effect on me. Makes me miss the old ones more.

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