AAR- Planet28: "Why are there so many planets?"

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AAR- Planet28: "Why are there so many planets?"

Postby gattz » Sun Dec 05, 2021 11:29 am

The following is an excerpt of a blog article.  Read Full Article

“Why are there so many planets? The brochure said there’d only be a few planets.” – Don Knotts if he played sci-fi skirmish minis games.Salutations friends and onlookers! It’s been a long while as this world has been thrashing and whirling in a fit of unsurety the past year or two, so it’s good to see you all once more. Seeing as how some semblance of normalcy has been returning, and to break in CSW member Karl’s new abode, some of the group assembled to enjoy a grand night of gaming…in person! CSW Part II: The Regroupening Three games were brought to ...

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AAR- Planet28: "Why are there so many planets?"

Postby Eilif » Mon Dec 06, 2021 12:27 pm

Excellent report and what a great looking table! It was great to see you at the game night.

I'm now quite interested in this Planet28 ruleset. How would you say it compares to Song of Blades and Heroes in complexity and flow?

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Re: AAR- Planet28: "Why are there so many planets?"

Postby gattz » Mon Dec 06, 2021 10:58 pm

Thanks Karl!
I'd say the flow and complexity of both games is similar. P28 and SoBH both seem easy to pick up, play, and teach. The rules don't need much referencing outside of a few little things you might forget during your first game. That applies to most game systems though so it's not a big worry.

I'm honestly not the biggest fan of the basic SoBH rules personally, so I might be a little biased. I think in terms of character creation I enjoyed P28 more because my characters felt more "characterful." I think that while, SoBH has more options to customize a unit (MUCH more if you include all of the expansion content), that none of them really feel like individuals. From my experience in that game, they felt like slightly tweaked troops. I think that while P28 has fewer options to pick from in the core rules, that those options are generally more powerful and impact the game or unit more in a flavorful way.

For instance, my Magister Yado had some traits like Fast Moving and Climber. It was intended to make sure that he was maneuverable on the ground and take advantage of the vertical planes because his only weapon was a melee power sword. He also had arcane abilities (mind control, "throw" which was like a force push, and one to cause fear). Then, during gameplay due to movement rules/height differential rules/armor rolls/contested rolls it makes that character a bit more difficult to kill because you don't want them to die instantly. I don't feel like the few times I've tried SoBH I've had an attachment to a particular trooper in the same way. They just didn't feel differentiated *enough* to me for some reason.

Another thing is the feel (possibly illusion) of control. I really dislike the roll-to-activate of SoBH. It's my biggest beef with that game. Just to do *anything* you're playing with luck and mitigation. Those turns when you roll poorly and your character stands there like a statue is a peeve. In P28 (or Brutal Quest), you're guaranteed to have a turn. It's taken in a mostly pre-set initiative based on your Agility stat. If you REALLY want to go first, then during your character creation you need to prioritize your points and boost that stat. But if you don't get that, at least there is something like the armor rolls where you feel like, "well those points I instead spent on good armor for this slow guy can at least save me if I'm slow to activate." I mentioned illusion because in these types of games dice always come in to play somehow; just not in an immediately unsatisfying way as those failed activation rolls in SoBH.

If you were to scale up to a more massive skirmish level, let's say 12 models per side, I do think SoBH would play much faster because of some of those previously mentioned reasons. 3-6 models per side might be the sweet spot for P28, unless you just make a lot of grunt characters with no equipment or abilities.

In any case, I think it's worth giving a shot. Undoubtedly there would be a lot of fun, even for younger players, to be had. The rulebook is also <20 pages. The expansion content (vehicles/solo-coop) are both very short as well and add some fun options without overwhelming you.

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Re: AAR- Planet28: "Why are there so many planets?"

Postby Eilif » Wed Dec 08, 2021 10:25 am

Thanks for that!
Planet 28 sounds like something I'd enjoy. I actually really like the gambling SBH activation mechanic, but I haven't found a satisfying version of it for games focusing on ranged combat. I do hope to try Fistful of Kung Fu someday, but maybe SBH is best kept for fantasy settings.

Are the Planet 28 supplements worthwhile?
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Re: AAR- Planet28: "Why are there so many planets?"

Postby gattz » Wed Dec 08, 2021 2:43 pm

The two current P28 supplements are definitely worthwhile. They're short reads, also 'pay what you want' on Wargamevault. The solo-coop one has rudimentary rules for an enemy AI, so you could whip up a little adventure with the kids or a buddy who dislikes competitive wargaming and have some fun. As the game Mattias and I played, the vehicle supplement worked great for creating some interesting heavy armor.

Tim and I played Rogue Stars (also written by Andrea) quite a few years back, but I remember that having a very interesting evolution of the roll-to-activate mechanism. You roll for initiative and whoever has it can basically activate all of their characters. However, each character rolls 1-3 d20s to see how many actions they can do. Failures on those rolls accumulate and give the potential for the opposing player to take reactions during the turn or steal initiative, essentially flipping the turn order. Imo, that system was very engaging because it felt like you were also active during the opponents turn. It used a lot of tokens on the table though, and character creation was far more complex, but I enjoyed the game.

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Re: AAR- Planet28: "Why are there so many planets?"

Postby Eilif » Wed Dec 08, 2021 2:54 pm

I've heard good things about Rogue Stars. IIRC, I didn't give it further consideration because of the increased complexity and heavy token use. Not a fan of tokens... Having activation failures benefit your opponents is a nice touch though that I think might be part of Advanced Song of Blades and Heroes, though it's been a while since I played that.

Definitely going to give Planet28 a read and probably the supplements. If it can do flavorful characters in a sci-fi setting with SBH levels of complexity it could be right up my alley.
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Re: AAR- Planet28: "Why are there so many planets?"

Postby timlillig » Wed Dec 08, 2021 5:57 pm

I made a 600 point warband for Planet 28 and also ended up with four figures. I agree that character creation is quick and characterful, a fun activity of its own. My enjoyment of that part is on par with Song of Blades and Heroes. i'd like to play some time if you want to try another game.

I also enjoyed . The scenario system in that book is a fun resource you could use in a lot of games.

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AAR- Planet28: "Why are there so many planets?"

Postby gattz » Thu Dec 09, 2021 3:37 pm

Ah, yes. Funny enough, I had the Rogue Stars and 5 Parsecs from Home books in my bag during the game night in case we needed a scenario on the fly! The charts in Rogue Stars are great for adding narrative elements and objectives. I think it's an underrated system that was probably released too soon after Frostgrave, thus the audience likely expected it as sci-fi Frostgrave, but it was not and went obscure.
I'd be down for P28 again sometime for sure.

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Re: AAR- Planet28: "Why are there so many planets?"

Postby Michael S. » Mon Dec 13, 2021 11:44 pm

I have a question about Planet 28. For the skill table it reads Points cost 10 per -1 level. For the shoot skill the starting level is 7. Does that mean the skill cost is 10 x 7, 70 points? Thank you for your help.

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Re: AAR- Planet28: "Why are there so many planets?"

Postby timlillig » Tue Dec 14, 2021 11:21 pm

Michael, What I'm reading on the bottom half of page 8 is that each character starts with 2 shooting, 2 fighting, 2 agility, 20 hit points and speed 10cm. That costs 10 points and you pay for increases from that baseline. so, if you do nothing but increase the shooting to 7 the character would cost 60 points.

it only gives examples of skills going up to 6. So, I'm not sure if you are really meant to take them up to 7. I'm not sure how game breaking that would be.

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