AAR- Mech Attack- Trying a BIG game!

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AAR- Mech Attack- Trying a BIG game!

Postby Eilif » Fri Jun 24, 2022 1:25 pm

The following is an excerpt of a blog article.  Read Full Article

Tim and I met for a game of Mech Attack last month. We decided to attempt our biggest game of Mech Attack yet. Three 60 point sections on each side. As in the past for 10mm Mech Attack we used our collection of rebased Mechwarrior Clix. I was on the south side with the Grey force consisting mostly of Nova Cat Models. Tim was on the North with a force composed mostly of Jade Falcon miniatures and some allies. We played a basic objective game. By the time we were out of time, we were at a draw, with Tim in position to ...

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AAR- Mech Attack- Trying a BIG game!

Postby gattz » Sat Jul 02, 2022 11:31 pm

Another rad table and game writeup! It's interesting to see Mech Attack on a not-huge table that I'm used to seeing you guys play on by now, haha.
I'm a bit curious about Alpha Strike as well. There's a lot of nostalgia for Battletech for me whenever I see it, but I've never tried the Alpha Strike rules.

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Re: AAR- Mech Attack- Trying a BIG game!

Postby Eilif » Sun Jul 03, 2022 3:36 pm

Thanks Man!

I like Alpha Strike. It abstracts all a mech's weapons into one roll and damage tracking into 1.5 tracks. I have zero interest in the classic Battletech rules, but I quite like the universe and lore. That Alpha Strike provides free stats for all the units in our rebased MechWarrior forces is very appealing.
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