Introduce yourself

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Re: Introduce yourself

Postby Eilif » Tue May 24, 2016 6:29 pm

Welcome to the Forum Josh,
We mostly meet on the south and west sides, but if you're willing to host, that's a good thing too. Also, there are usually transit stops nearby and someone can pick you up near wherever we happen to meet.
We meet every other Thursday evening.
Hope you can make it to a game soon.
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Re: Introduce yourself

Postby Coexxister » Thu Jul 28, 2016 12:33 pm

my name is Grzesiek. I actually work in company making models. My hobby is wargaming (mainly wh40k, Afterglow, some Lotr), but I also like meeting new people and sharing opinions about pros and cons of some new projects. I'm actually from Poland (quite far away) but this should not be the problem to communicate and talk :D I have a dream of coming to USA, so maybe we will meet one day ;)
Have a nice day you all! :)

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Re: Introduce yourself

Postby Eilif » Thu Jul 28, 2016 3:58 pm

Welcome Grzesiek,
Hope you find things of interest to you here.
See you around,
Chicago Skirmish Wargames Organizer

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Re: Introduce yourself

Postby joewolz » Mon Mar 27, 2017 9:24 am

Long time listener, first time caller.

Howdy folks. I'm in Lockport. I have ton of terrain and minis and whatnot, and I want to get more involved.

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Re: Introduce yourself

Postby Eilif » Mon Mar 27, 2017 10:57 am

Hey Joe,
Welcome! Hope to see you at a game sometime. This Thursday we're playing one-page 40k.
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Re: Introduce yourself

Postby timlillig » Fri Mar 31, 2017 9:28 am

Hi Joe,

I don't get to Lockport much, but there are a few other people who post here and live that way. So, if you have any games going on down there, let us know. Or, feel free to take the hike to meet us at a game. A couple of us will be at the Aetherium day at Greenfire Games on April 8.

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Re: Introduce yourself

Postby gattz » Fri Apr 07, 2017 7:10 pm

Hey all, Christopher here. Technically I live in northwest IN, right over the border, but I grew up in Oak Lawn and work downtown. I still occasionally visit a buddy or two in the area, since it's only 30ish minutes away.

I discovered you guys at Adepticon this year with your mighty impressive Mech Attack table! Someone handed me a business card, and here I am.

I've mostly been a loner hobbyist, painting, building and admiring sculpts during the wee hours of the night. I've recently made some friends who are interested more in the hobby, and since I would say I'm fairly invested in it by now, decided to attempt to be more proactive with my interests. This year was the first time going to Adepticon, so it was amazing to see all the insane paint jobs and table setups throughout! It inspired me to "get better" as a hobbyist.

I would say I'm more interested in skirmish games, since i paint slowly. Massive armies are overwhelming, not to say I don't own some (too many)..:-/
Recent work includes, Frostgrave, Halo Ground Command, Infinity, Adepticon sold me on Arena Rex. I used to love Necromunda as a young teen, and this new Shadow War has got my attention. I also kickstarted Relicblade and just received my stuff, the models look really nice, so those should be fun to paint up and give a whirl.

Hopefully I can get to one of your meetups sometime, schedule permitting. (Oh man, It's a goofy one!)

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Re: Introduce yourself

Postby Eilif » Fri Apr 07, 2017 7:53 pm

Hello and welcome Christopher!
It was probably myself or Tim that you met at the Mech Attack table.

Sounds like you've got some great projects going and that you have alot of figs that would also work in the games we've been playing. Do you still have your necromunda stuff? We play that from time to time as well. Hope you get a chance to break out of the loner hobby and join us for a game. You're welcome anytime.

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Re: Introduce yourself

Postby nagadakos » Fri Dec 10, 2021 12:01 pm

Good afternoon all!

I am Nikolas, the newest recruit. I live in West Loop Chicago, an academic transplant from sunny Greece!

I recently discovered this community and am delighted to join.

Recently I jumped back to the hobby, but unfortunately due to work, travelling and such I have mostly done modelling and not any gaming.

An overview as to what I have:

I have 3 full fantasy armies ready to go Undead, Ogres and Dwarves; and one semi complete Greek army (southern Greeks and Macedonians) a few sci-fi sets (Beyond the gates of Antares etc) and a Viking army still in the box.

Unfortunately not any ww2 stuff yet.

Finally got a few 1/72 armies* still in the box which I got in bulk from ebay and quite some scenery (something I enjoy crafting a lot but had to stop due to luck of space!!!)

So hello all, I am looking forward to meeting you in the future for any game/setting really!

*1/72 armies: Greeks, Persians, Gauls, Carthagirians, Indians (wanted to recreate all the interesting fights of the ancient world with my father)

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Re: Introduce yourself

Postby Eilif » Sun Dec 12, 2021 8:02 am

Welcome Nikolas,
Sounds like your ready to go! As you can see in the other threads, we're looking at an early January date for our next meeting. Hope you can make it.
Chicago Skirmish Wargames Organizer

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