Marketplace Forum Rules


All deals are between the individuals, and CSW is not responsible or liable for anything that may happen.
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Marketplace Forum Rules

Postby jlopatin » Wed Sep 30, 2015 10:05 am

This forum is an informal meeting place to allow like-minded individuals who are looking to trade/buy/sell gaming related items to find each other.

This is NOT a trading site and there are absolutely no safeguards in place to guarantee that your transaction will be successfully completed. In all cases when making a trade or sale set up using this forum, Caveat Emptor (buyer beware). Chicago Skirmish Wargames cannot and will not help you in any way if something goes wrong.

There are many steps you can take to help improve your chances of making a successful trade or sale. Ultimately, however, there are no guarantees. If that makes you wary, there are many other trading and selling sites on the internet that do specialize in sales and trades, such as Ebay and Bartertown (just to name a few).

If you have a question on whether something you are posting is acceptable or not, please PM (private message) a moderator:

- Josh

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