Sci-Fi elevated Train system going up for sale.


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Sci-Fi elevated Train system going up for sale.

Postby Eilif » Fri Oct 12, 2018 11:15 am

Hey Guys,
I'm going to sell my Sci-Fi Train system so I figured I'd offer it up here first.
For you guys, I'd want to get
$200 for the train. Includes foam padded slim metal suitcase for storage and transport.
$200 for the two elevated stations, supports (9 or ten of them I think) and track (more than pictured)

Ideally I'd like to sell the two parts together, but I'll sell it separately as well. Take it all for $350.

Let me know if any of you are interested. I'm sure you've all seen it before, but if you're new around here or need a refresher you can see it in use here: ... -airfield/
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