Big Wargames Sale


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Big Wargames Sale

Postby Eilif » Tue May 10, 2022 10:09 pm

Hey folks, as some of you may know, I bought out Josh's wargaming collection. Haven't organized, priced or promoted it anywhere yet, but i the items I'm not keeping are nearly all photographed and posted here for early access:
https://chicagovalleyrailroad.blogspot. ... n.html?m=1
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Re: Big Wargames Sale

Postby Eilif » Tue May 31, 2022 2:55 pm

Bumping for 30 new lots added. Lots of good stuff and I'm willing to deal...
https://chicagovalleyrailroad.blogspot. ... -soon.html
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Michael S.
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Re: Big Wargames Sale

Postby Michael S. » Mon Jun 20, 2022 12:48 pm

Hi Karl,
Would you have any HO train tracks that I can buy? I bought that HO train building from you with the two large doors. I want to use this as a piece of gaming terrain and would like to get two pieces of track that I would have going into the building. At the end of the track I was looking for the sort of ‘bumpers’ that I have seen when tracks come to an end. The tracks don’t have to be long. The board I am putting together for 15mm miniatures is 2’x2’.
Thank you for considering my request,

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Re: Big Wargames Sale

Postby Eilif » Mon Jun 20, 2022 2:17 pm

Dude, I've got tracks you can just have free. I'll dig into my stuff, I've probably got some old brass of the sort that no one wants anymore, but would look just fine in a wargaming setting. I don't have anymore bumpers, but you can cut up some rails and glue it into the sort of simple bumpers you see at the end of the tracks.

You want trains to go with them? I periodically get trains from my train club to sell. Unfortunately I just sold the few european trains I had, but there's some here that might work.
https://chicagovalleyrailroad.blogspot. ... -soon.html
It's all American prototype, but a couple of boxcars, cattle cars and flats of the shorter variety could probably look good if painted in a plain color. The pictured train cars there would be $2 each for loose and $3 each for boxed if bought separately. Might be other stuff on that page that would interest the 15mm gamer. Most HO (1/87) stuff looks just fine in 15mm (1/100)

I'll see what else I've got. I may have some other junkers that would be free. There will probably be a new load of train stuff from them to sell in the fall also, but europoean stuff is much rarer.

Lastly, if anyone needs some train cars for 28mm, further down the page there's a lot of three 0-27 railcars for just 15 bucks. These older 0-27 cars are great for 28mm because they're compressed in size so they're actually very close to 28mm and the shorter length doesn't take up so much room on the tabletop.

For $5 I'll throw in the track with plastic roadbed base that Josh painted and sceniced and used for this scenario: ... way-train/
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Re: Big Wargames Sale

Postby Michael S. » Tue Jun 21, 2022 10:21 am

Hey Karl,
Thank you very much for your offer of free tracks. After I wrote to you I looked up the building on the internet and found that it is called an engine house. You learn something new everyday:) I looked up the track bumpers and found all kinds that can be scratch built. A couple of train cars may be nice, looking old and worn is great. I am painting up some 15 mm miniatures from Oddzial Osmy, a Polish company. I just finished 6 ‘insurgents’ which can be used as post-apocalyptic survivors / zombie hunters. I am putting together a 2’ x 2’ board using the buildings I bought from you. I have enough for an urban setup. I still have enough buildings to also build a train yard.

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Re: Big Wargames Sale

Postby Eilif » Thu Aug 25, 2022 2:13 pm

Hey folks, the sale is still going on.
I've lowered allot of prices and am willing to make deals on what is left.
https://chicagovalleyrailroad.blogspot. ... n.html?m=1

If you want some trains, I've got a bunch of 2 dollar HO train cars in. Not pictured yet, but you can have your pick.
Chicago Skirmish Wargames Organizer

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Re: Big Wargames Sale

Postby Michael S. » Mon Aug 29, 2022 1:57 pm

Hi Karl,
Thank you for the train offer. I will check them out the next time I am at your place.

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