AAR: Mech Attack At Adepticon 2017

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AAR: Mech Attack At Adepticon 2017

Postby Eilif » Thu Mar 30, 2017 9:14 am

The following is an excerpt of a blog article.  Read Full Article

After many weeks (and several blog posts) of preparation, CSW's Adepticon 2017 Mech Attack game finally happened, and the results were EPIC. The table got a huge amount of attention resulting in getting blogged by Beasts of War. Further, Tim's brilliant ideas of having Chicago Skirmish Wargames T-shirts for us and business cards to handout made the club more visible and will hopefully result in some new members. The Scenario Each year we advance the story of the battles for Melk 3 and this year was no different. The players were given a scenario sheet (download a PDF copy here: Mech Attack Borschtegrad ...

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AAR: Mech Attack At Adepticon 2017

Postby timlillig » Thu Mar 30, 2017 12:18 pm

Thanks for taking the lead in organizing this game and writing about it Karl.

I'm really happy that we had our first "sold out" game at Adepticon. Maybe we need to add another couple of spots or run a second game next year?

We should also note that you left your city in place for the rest of the day and there were at least a couple of other games played on the table. Did you get any photos of that group with all the 40k imperial knights?

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AAR: Mech Attack At Adepticon 2017

Postby Eilif » Thu Mar 30, 2017 3:59 pm

You're very welcome Tim. Thanks for all your help putting it on.

I think adding a couple of spots is a great idea. I seem to recall that we might have had 8 available (don't recall if they were ever filled) when we first ran this years ago at Little Wars.

I did get shots of the knights and another game as well. I'm planning a little gallery blog post about that in a few days. There are some pretty impressive pictures of really well painted Imperial Knight Walkers striding through our layout.

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AAR: Mech Attack At Adepticon 2017

Postby PatrickWR » Thu Mar 30, 2017 5:45 pm

Great work Karl and Tim! This game keeps getting better and better. To think that I played in the very first incarnation all those years ago. Great pics too. Looks like everyone had a lot of fun. I can only imagine the number of rubbermaid containers required to haul all of that terrain around.
I'm not sure where you go from here? How can you one-up this performance? Maybe a multi-level city for truly 3-dimensional mech combat?

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AAR: Mech Attack At Adepticon 2017

Postby Eilif » Thu Mar 30, 2017 10:22 pm

Thanks Patrick,
As it happens I've already got 2018's improvments planned out. I'm going to have a strip of tarmac with some large spacecraft on it. Already got the base toys for conversion. Just got to get to work on them. That and increasing back up to 8 players (possibly on a table that's a bit wider, but not quite as deep) as well as some new mecha and a second grey terrain mat (to match the one I have) will probably be next year's upgrade. Also kicking around the idea of making a separate base for each building that would have a bit of sidewalk and some greebling, but that might have to wait until 2019

As for transport Currently it takes 9 large tubs just for the buildings and a bunch of cases for the scatter terrain and mecha.

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AAR: Mech Attack At Adepticon 2017

Postby jedthehomarid » Fri Mar 31, 2017 6:49 pm

Awesome! Such a cool table of terrain. Nice work guys!

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